Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 24, 2020 by Hannah Greenberg
This poem was written by 2020-21 year student Hannah Greenberg, as a reflection piece for Yom Kippur based on the Teshuva reflection session give by Dr. David Bernstein to students before the holiday break.
“For I know that You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in
kindness, renouncing punishment.
ִכּ֣י יַָדְ֗ע ִתּי ִכּ֤י אַ ָתּה֙ ֵאֽל־ַחנּ֣וּן וְַרח֔וּם ֶאֶ֤רךְ אַַפּ֙יִם֙ וְַרב־ֶחֶ֔סד וְִנָח֖ם ַעל־ָהָרָע
But where are you now?
I come before your throne in fear, in awe, in love
Trembling before your glory
Praying for Justice, for compassion
A sea of words threatens to drown me.
Alone, tossed and turned in the tumult
Saved by a voice from above
Am I like Jonah? My Spirit broken?
My will to live gone? Begging for justice?
Looking for an end;
I turn my eyes to you. Searching the horizon. Scanning the sky
Seeking forgiveness, seeking truth, seeking hope
Help me to turn, to change, to grow, to thrive
“For I know that You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in
kindness, renouncing punishment.
ִכּ֣י יַָדְ֗ע ִתּי ִכּ֤י אַ ָתּה֙ ֵאֽל־ַחנּ֣וּן וְַרח֔וּם ֶאֶ֤רךְ אַַפּ֙יִם֙ וְַרב־ֶחֶ֔סד וְִנָח֖ם ַעל־ָהָרָע
We cry out over the waves
To find strength to stand before you
and ask
for forgiveness, for support
To find my voice and call out into the void
To acknowledge and let go of regret
And to remember those that came before
We stand on their shoulders and reach for the divine
Compassionate, Eternal, Merciful G-d
“For I know that You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in
kindness, renouncing punishment.
ִכּ֣י יַָדְ֗ע ִתּי ִכּ֤י אַ ָתּה֙ ֵאֽל־ַחנּ֣וּן וְַרח֔וּם ֶאֶ֤רךְ אַַפּ֙יִם֙ וְַרב־ֶחֶ֔סד וְִנָח֖ם ַעל־ָהָרָע
Hear our cry
Recognize our faults, for we are but human
Allow us to understand, to forgive, to become our true selves
Grant us forgiveness and show compassion
What good are our voices from the dust?
Drowned out, unheard
We ask for life, for health, for goodness
We seek forgiveness, justice, mercy
We strive for the divine
“For I know that You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in
kindness, renouncing punishment.
ִכּ֣י יַָדְ֗ע ִתּי ִכּ֤י אַ ָתּה֙ ֵאֽל־ַחנּ֣וּן וְַרח֔וּם ֶאֶ֤רךְ אַַפּ֙יִם֙ וְַרב־ֶחֶ֔סד וְִנָח֖ם ַעל־ָהָרָ