Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on June 12, 2012 by Esther DuBow
By Esther DuBow, PEP ’12 Daniel Weinreb, you are truly a scholar and a gentleman and having you as a colleague these past two years has been wonderful. I want that “sugya” you wrote for closing lunch. In return, I’ll give you a copy of our spiel, (PAUSE) assuming there are some left that weren’t Continue Reading »
Posted on June 12, 2012 by Joanne Loiben
By Joanne Loiben, PEP ’12 Writer’s block. How can I sum up these past 3 years into a neat little 3 minute Dvar Torah? The memories, the moments, the worlds that once existed on this 3rd floor hidden paradise. The teachers, the knowledge, the learning, the constant flow of engaging conversations. Who I was 3 Continue Reading »