Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 21, 2010 by Chef David
In response to a number of requests for the recipe for the Stuffed Cabbage Casserole served today at Community Lunch, I am venturing into the unknown (for me at least!) world of blogging as a means of providing the recipe to those interested. I hope to use this medium in the future to post more recipes, and can only hope that you will enjoy reading them – and hopefully will try make them too! Suffice it to say that comments and suggestions are welcome, and they should be sent to my e-mail address chef AT pardes DOT org DOT il.
Succot is referred to as Chag HaAsif, the Harvest Festival, and there is a custom to eat lots of fruit and vegetables over the Chag, in celebration of the harvest. Many have to custom of eating stuffed vegetables, such as stuffed cabbage (know in Yiddish as Holishkes), and this provided the inspiration for today’s hot dish. Following please find the recipe, with notes there-after.
Stuffed Cabbage Casserole
500g ground beef
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
¾ cup uncooked brown or white rice
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1½ cups tomato sauce
¼ cup vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon mustard
8 cups coarsely chopped white cabbage
Heat the oven to 1800C (3500F).
Brown meat, onion and garlic in the oil. Remove from the heat and add the rice, salt and pepper.
In a small bowl mix together tomato sauce, vinegar, brown sugar and mustard.
Layer a third of the cabbage in a deep casserole dish. Arrange half of the beef mixture on top, cover with another third of cabbage. Top with remaining beef mixture and remaining cabbage. Pour tomato sauce mixture over the top of the cabbage, do not stir.
Bake in the pre-heated oven for 2 hours without stirring, until the top is nicely browned.
I made use of Tivol products as a meat-replacement, first chopping them in a food processor.