Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on November 6, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
This beautiful photo gallery of Nachlaot is the work of Olga Lempert (Year ’06-’07) who recently made Aliyah with her husband Andrey Pshenitskiy (Year ’06-’07). She’s now living here in Jerusalem, and she is also a blogger 🙂
Here is what she writes about it:
This was in fact a test roll of film, but it ended up a pretty accurate reflection of the way I see my new home: beautiful, graphic, a bit grainy. These are the things a newcomer notices: looking up, stooping down, reading all of the graffiti as though the walls are speaking directly to her. Finding lines and rhythms in the chaos of Nachlaot’s overlapping structures. When you make a focal point out of life’s usual background, you can see some interesting shapes in it.