Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 20, 2013 by Stuart Matan Lithwick
It is hard to believe that Annie and I only have 2.5 weeks left in Israel!
The year has gone by so fast, and the end is really starting to affect me more then I ever thought it would. It almost feels like a family breaking up. I feel the days slipping away as the time quickly approaches when Annie and I will board a jet plane, and be flown away.
I have started to think about what I will miss. The craziness of the shuk, the feeling of Jerusalem stone under my feet and fingers, the solemnness and craziness of being at the Kotel, the sound of the Islamic call to prayer waking me up from sound sleep, the taste of falafel and shawarma bli humus bli tehina, the warmth of Pardes teachers telling us, “it’s 8:30 AM, time for class!”, the joy expressed on the faces of all of my Pardes teachers, the overflowing grocery carts at SuperSolDeal, SuperDeal, MegaBoul, and basically anywhere where groceries are sold, the sight of IDF soldiers in and out of uniform everywhere, and on and on and on!
Israel is such a unique place to live. Practicing Judaism in Israel is unlike anywhere else in the world. I am so glad I spent a year here. It is an experience that has changed my life. I know I will be back, hopefully soon, to experience it all again.
From the deepest parts of me, to all of my Pardes teachers, peers, and all of the amazing people that I have met here this year, thank you.