Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 4, 2011 by Eliyahu B.
(Thanks to Falynn for asking me to post this) I gave this dvar tzedek in my Social Justice class a few months ago. I hope it is meaningful for everyone: A fundamental tenet of social justice, to me, is equality. I believe that equality is a natural human right which should always be found among Continue Reading »
Posted on November 6, 2011 by The Director of Digital Media
Guest Post: Dvar Torah by Pardes Alumnus Rabbi Peter Stein The Torah is a book that explores what it means to be human. The Book of Genesis, especially, presents story after story that delves into the pain and joy and messiness of the human condition. In this week’s parshah, we read about Sarai, our ancestor, and Continue Reading »
Posted on October 30, 2011 by Suzi
Here’s something I wrote on my first day in Israel, standing at the Kotel, my hand pressed against the stones and clutching my steno pad. I couldn’t seem to let go of the ancient wall. I thought I’d publish this on These&Those, and challenge y’all to share your own first impressions of the country. On Sunday, June Continue Reading »
Posted on September 22, 2011 by Barer
This week’s parsha is a short one (though on non-leap years it is read in conjunction with the next parsha), that reads more as a concluding statement on all of the activity of last week’s blessings-and-curses-filled parsha than anything else. A number of famous refrains are in this parsha, most notably the idea that the Continue Reading »
Posted on September 12, 2011 by Shibley
A few years ago, I had the privilege and the pleasure of living in Manhattan while I was learning at Yeshivat Hadar. New York is well known as a center of culture, arts, business, and the like. There is also a significant population of weirdos in New York, as in any city. I developed two Continue Reading »
Posted on May 25, 2011 by Avi Strausberg
i was scared to begin the book of vayikra. for that matter, others were scared for me. sefer vayikra, which primarily deals with laws surrounding ritual purity, sacrificial offerings, as well as other priestly business, is often written-off as that dry middle section of the Torah necessary to skim through in order to get back on Continue Reading »
Posted on April 5, 2011 by Avi Strausberg
in this week’s parshat metsora, we continue to delve in-depth into the procedure of ridding a leprous person of his eruptive affections. after reading pages and pages of how to determine whether a person is unclean and therefore off-limits to society, i was bewildered when i arrived to the conundrum of how to detect a Continue Reading »
Posted on March 2, 2011 by Coretta
Hi, Guys! I worked on Panel 3 of the Pardes Tu B’Shvat Mural, and I wrote up the following description: This panel was created with the “Universal Ecosystem” aspect of Tu B’Shvat in mind. I attempted to convey the earliest moments before distinctions first appear even before liquid and solid (top of panel) and then, Continue Reading »
Posted on February 9, 2011 by Joel D.
By Faith Brigham “Barefoot and exposed I walk along a shoreline. With the clumping of a million grains of sand, my toes tingle Reminding me of my human-ness. My body-ness. The limitless of these grains tickle my brain as they tickle my limited body. A conch shell lies before me. My eyes gravitate towards its Continue Reading »
Posted on November 2, 2010 by Eryn
2:7 בראשית וייצר יקוק אלקים את–האדם עפר מן–האדמה, ויפח באפיו, נשמת חיים; ויהי האדם, לנפש חיה “God, Lord, formed man, Dust from the earth. He Exhaled into his nose, living breath. Thus for man was a living soul.” Ha, my neshama breathes. Should it be any surprise the soul of pure music emanates from your Continue Reading »