These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Tag Archives: Mount Herzl / Har Herzl

An Unexpected Israel Experience

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Laura H.

A good family friend of our’s from Toronto asked me to do him a favour a couple of weeks ago. He is an architect and, as part of his work for a proposal for a Jewish cemetery in Toronto, is researching the signage and organization of different cemeteries. He sent one of his employees to Continue Reading »

Week 34: Yom HaZikaron/Yom HaAtzma’ut

Posted on April 29, 2012 by Derek Kwait

(X-posted from my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim) Since the end of Pesach, the whole city has been snowing Israeli flags. Every morning, more and more of them turned up, sticking out of car windows, strewn across balconies, suspended from buildings and streetlights, pocketing rearview mirrors—flags everywhere a flag could fit, all in preparation for Continue Reading »

Week 4: The Learning Curve

Posted on September 28, 2011 by Derek Kwait

(X-posted to my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim.) Just after I posted last Friday, it all hit the fan. The entire day post-posting forced it to hit home in a big way for the first time that I really am in a foreign country now. It is also when I fell in love, twice over. Continue Reading »

The Price

Posted on May 28, 2011 by Shibley

Israel bears an incredible cost for its existence. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the numbers of Israelis whose lives have been lost to war and terrorism is staggering, relative to the size of the country. This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to go to Har Herzel, one of Israel’s military cemeteries, the Continue Reading »

[PEP Student] From the Mountain Top…

Posted on May 15, 2011 by Tamara Frankel

Dear Friends, This past Monday I visited Mount Herzl in Jerusalem with my classmates to commemorate Yom Hazikaron, Israel Remembrance Day. We visited the graves of young soldiers who had fallen recently and those of heroic figures like Hannah Senesh. Many questions raced through my mind as we walked among the graves: Where am I Continue Reading »


Posted on January 10, 2010 by David Bogomolny

Several weeks ago, I decided that it was high time for me to visit the Tayelet in J’lem, and I woke myself up at an early hour to daven (pray) the shacharit (morning) service with my tefilin (phylacteries) at sunrise, facing the Old City of J’lem. It was a chilly morning, and I felt it. Continue Reading »