These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Tag Archives: technology


Posted on May 26, 2014 by Tani Cohen-Fraade

From my blog: A question that is a very hot topic right now in Jewish education is about what the role of technology should be in the Jewish classroom. It was once a given that Jewish learning was being done in physical books. Enter the Xerox machine. All of a sudden, we don’t need to Continue Reading »

Torah Study on an iPad? Yes? No? Absolutely!

Posted on April 1, 2014 by Cara Abrams-Simonton

From my blog: As a Master of Jewish Education student I have been introduced to many educational theories, developmental psychology and pedagogical practices. In addition to all these areas we also focus on the place of 21st century learning in today’s educational world, which of course includes the discussion of technology’s role in education. Currently Continue Reading »

Should our students be allowed to study Torah on an iPad?

Posted on April 28, 2013 by Ilan Weismark

From my blog: Should our students be allowed to study Torah on an iPad? Does it change the Kedusha of the text? For thousands of years Jewish tradition was rooted in the oral passing of history. In the first and second century when Yehuda HaNassi compiled the Mishna, he changed the future of Jewish education. Continue Reading »

The Return

Posted on April 6, 2013 by Naomi Bilmes

From my blog: It’s back! It’s back! It’s back! What’s back? Oh, you know, that flattish device that clicks when you use it and lights up when you press a button and performs a number of menial tasks such as making writing legible and connecting an individual to the rest of the world… Oh yes, Continue Reading »

[Alumni Guest Post] Daniel Shibley: Splish Splash!

Posted on January 8, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media

From Daniel Shibley’s (Fellows ’12) blog: For all of its technological innovations Israel has yet to see, en masse, the value of weather stripping or double pane windows, the lack of which causes an incessant rattle of windows and drafts of unknown origin. Such alterations in construction could save drastically on energy bills, which obviously Continue Reading »

Why I’m Not Making Aliyah

Posted on November 8, 2012 by Derek Kwait

“Oh, so you’ve been here [almost a year/two years]! So are you planning on making aliyah?,” they say, bearing their teeth and gently lifting their eyebrows in anticipation of the upcoming hearty “Mazel tov!” they’re sure to owe me. “No.” “Oh,” this is less an expression than the sound a face makes as it falls. Continue Reading »

[PEP Student] The Narcissistic Use of Technology In Life, and In the Classroom

Posted on March 19, 2012 by Daniel Weinreb

Cell phones seem narcissistic to me. When I’m on public transportation and another traveler subjects me to the inanities of cell-phone conversation, my blood pressure raises a few millimeters in a Sphygmomanometer. I think I’m more sensitive than most people but I don’t think I’m off the charts. The larger issue is that technologies seem Continue Reading »