These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem


Posted on September 18, 2011 by Andrea Wiese

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I know that eating should be a simple thing, but it’s hard to eat well when someone is so busy. I don’t feel like I had time to cook this week because I was on a weekend retreat with my school. Today my lunch was carrots, a lox and cheese sandwich and an orange. Actually is doesn’t sound as weird now, but I had to really give creative yesterday to figure out what food I could take to school today. For dinner I ate cheerios. So I really knew I had to cook tonight!

Anyway, I ended up making a lot of PASTA and I made my own sauce! It’s really delicious!!

Now I will have lunch for the month! I just hope I don’t get sick of it before I finish it all! =)

Also, I am hoping that some of the girls are school will get together and cook and share some recipes because some of their food at lunch looks so delicious. I really need to expand my recipe book!!