Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on November 28, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
Well, how much would you donate to great causes to see it happen?
In honor of mens’ health, Pardes students throughout the month of November have been grooming themselves with super classy and in some cases, rather creepy mustaches for the Livestrong Foundation and Movember. David has agreed to join the cause!
2012 Pardes Movember Men
Here’s the challenge…if you choose to accept it!
If the Pardes community raises at least $1,800 between now and the end of Hanukah, Dean Bernstein has agreed to shave his beloved salt and pepper beard during community lunch on December 20th and will keep the resulting handsome mustache for 1 week.
How do you get involved and participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity?
It’s simple, make a donation to either Movember or Pardes noted “DAVID BERNSTEIN’S MUSTACHE” and David will be sporting a ‘stache in no time!
We can all thank his wife Ricki for graciously and enthusiastically agreeing to live with David’s smooth face for the week.
From The 2012 Pardes Movember Crew