These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

[Alumni Guest Post] To my amazing friends

Posted on May 9, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media

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Shira Abramowitz (Fall 2012) sent us this postcard
from Cape Town, South Africa!


To my amazing friends over in Talpiyot,

Chag Sameach! (Although I understand it may not still be Pesach once this reaches you!)

Just want to send some love & gratitude to your incredible community – I think about you all so much as I travel around the world, and can’t thank you enough for everything you gave to me over the 4 months of fall semester. From amazing life lessons to challenging contexts, to lifelong friendships… I can feel the value of my life with you all is only increasing in my (newly) global circumstances & perspective.

Wishing you all the very best,
With love,
Shira Abramowitz

* Please show to the whole 2012-13 year community!
