Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on March 30, 2015 by Ariela Haim
Today was our 5th day in Istanbul with the warm and welcoming Turkish Jewish community. For the majority of us, it was our first Shabbat in Istanbul and a rather interesting experience considering that the majority of us were also not familiar with Sephardi prayer services and keeping Shabbat without an eruv. But despite these challenges, we had already proven our accomplishments as a team by successfully dodging crazy Turkish drivers and sticking together in the crowded subways.
When I finished speaking several people approached me and reiterated how important Niego was for the community and that I am always welcomed. This experience and wonderful community has given me the priceless opportunity to reconnect with my roots. It would not have been possible without the Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies.