Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on February 13, 2023 by Grace Sudry
Grace Sudry
Winter 2023 PLS Participant
I recently made Aliyah and wanted to set aside time during my Israel journey for some formal Jewish studies. A close friend from NYC had talked about her experience studying at Pardes years ago while she was on a career break, so when this same friend shared the information for the Winter Pardes Learning Seminar, I didn’t hesitate to sign up immediately. I’m so glad I joined, because it was a wholly enriching and eye-opening week learning Torah and staying in Jerusalem. It’s incredible how many inspiring teachers led dynamic discussions and havrutot on so many different topics surrounding the themes of Shabbat & Shmita.
The other students also brought so much to those discussions, as most participants were from walks of life different than mine. And the evening events & activities brought our classroom studies to life via museum visits, films, traveling to different communities & of course breaking bread together at fantastic restaurants tucked into Jerusalem’s historic districts. Lastly, the staff who ran the behind-the-scenes details were organized, helpful and really did everything to make my experience tailored to my needs and interests.
!ישר כוחם
I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a fulfilling, intense, enriching & highly immersive week of studies to join the Pardes Learning Seminar.