Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 15, 2012 by Andrea Wiese
Since we’re in the season of teshuva, I wanted to share some a very wise and inspiring Rabbi (Michael Hattin) once wrote, “teshuva is…a gradual awakening of the mind and soul to God’s call, a measured but steady process of self-evaluation and reflection, a plodding and sometimes faltering series of steps that includes dead ends, Continue Reading »
Posted on September 10, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
by Rabbi Alex Israel Cross-posted from his blog Thinking Israel On the one hand, the cycle of the Jewish year is predictable and familiar: The solemnity of Yom Kippur, the smells and feel of the Sukka and the 4 species, the warmth and intimacy of Hannuka, Purim’s raucous frivolity, the tunes and tastes of Seder Continue Reading »
Posted on June 15, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
Some of our recent PEP graduates posted their graduation speeches (divrei Torah) here on Th&Th… in no particular order: Joanne Loiben, Esther DuBow, Sam Blumberg, R. Julie Gordon, Jessie Gindea, Cheryl Stone, & Daniel Weinreb. Also, here is the video of Cohort 11’s graduation:
Posted on June 15, 2012 by Daniel Weinreb
By Daniel Weinreb, PEP ’12 “It’s so appropriate that we are in this week’s parsha…” Really? I’m skeptical. In fact, when I hear that phrase in a d’var Torah I fluff up the shoulder next to me and hit the snooze button. Why? Because I anticipate I am about to get a contrived connection between Continue Reading »
Posted on June 14, 2012 by Cheryl Stone
By Cheryl Stone, PEP ’12 June 4, 2012 When I began contemplating what I would write, I went in search of the perfect ‘teacher quote’ and found this: אם יהיו כל השמים יריעות וכל האילנות קולמוסין וכל המים דיו, אין כדי לכתוב את חכמתי שלמדתי מרבי: ולא אצלתי מחכמת חכמים אלא כשם שזבוב הזו הטובלת Continue Reading »
Posted on June 14, 2012 by Jessie Gindea
By Jessie Gindea, PEP ’12 What an evening this is. As I look around this Beit Midrash, surrounded by my brilliant teachers, my esteemed colleagues, and all of the people who have effected my experience in the last two years, it seems only natural to turn to psalms 133, verse 1: “Hiney mah tov umah Continue Reading »
Posted on June 13, 2012 by Rabbi Julie Gordon
By Rabbi Julie Gordon, PEP ’12 Soon we will leave the security of Pardes’ Beit Midrash where if we had a question or wanted to study a text, there was always a teacher or a student interested in helping, guiding and learning with us. We all know there is so much more to learn. When Continue Reading »
Posted on June 13, 2012 by Sam Blumberg
By Sam Blumberg, PEP ’12 Over the last three years at Pardes, I have learned a ton. I’ve learned Torah, Talmud, Mishna, pedagogy, philosophy– all things that I knew little about before my time in the Pardes Educators Program. But I didn’t come here to learn. I came here to teach. In the thirteenth chapter Continue Reading »
Posted on June 12, 2012 by Esther DuBow
By Esther DuBow, PEP ’12 Daniel Weinreb, you are truly a scholar and a gentleman and having you as a colleague these past two years has been wonderful. I want that “sugya” you wrote for closing lunch. In return, I’ll give you a copy of our spiel, (PAUSE) assuming there are some left that weren’t Continue Reading »
Posted on June 12, 2012 by Joanne Loiben
By Joanne Loiben, PEP ’12 Writer’s block. How can I sum up these past 3 years into a neat little 3 minute Dvar Torah? The memories, the moments, the worlds that once existed on this 3rd floor hidden paradise. The teachers, the knowledge, the learning, the constant flow of engaging conversations. Who I was 3 Continue Reading »