Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 19, 2010 by Avi Strausberg
oops! I forgot to post this last week! this week’s parsha, ויחי, “he lived,” opens and closes with death. yaakov, recently uprooted from his home and supplanted to egypt, makes his son yosef swear that he will bury him in the burial place of his fathers. even after yosef agrees without protest, yaakov insists yosef Continue Reading »
Posted on November 14, 2010 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, This past week I was struck by a passage in the parsha that reminded me of a word (actually a Hebrew root) that comes up in several parts of the Shabbat liturgy. To be honest, I was very surprised to see this word used in a context that has absolutely nothing to do Continue Reading »
Posted on October 27, 2010 by Avi Strausberg
we learn of three deaths in this week’s parsha, whose very title, חיי שרה, contains the word life. the first death, is that of sarah, for whose death, avraham wails and cries, seemingly alone in his grief. in constrast, after avraham’s own death, just pages later, he breathes his last breath, dies, and is Continue Reading »
Posted on November 1, 2009 by David Bogomolny
Some weeks ago, I bought myself a pair of house slippers because my roommate & I had agreed not to wear shoes inside our apartment. My decision was mostly based upon my preference for wearing shoes while davening (praying) at home (traditional Jewish law requires footwear during prayer), but I also thought it would be Continue Reading »