Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 18, 2012 by Laura Marder
In our busy daily lives we are programmed as adults to subdue some of our pure emotions in order to be socially acceptable. Sometimes if not addressed through meditation, prayer, alone time etc ..our pure self can be pushed so far below the surface that even we forget who it is we really are. On Continue Reading »
Posted on July 30, 2012 by Andrea Wiese
(From “You’ve given me the most beautiful set of wings.”) This is very rare that I have such a long absence from blogging, but thus is life, and it happens. Since my classes ended at Pardes, I was working for NFTY. It’s reform Judaism’s summer trip to Israel. This was my third summer working Continue Reading »
Posted on January 16, 2012 by Derek Kwait
(X-posted from my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim) As I end my first semester in Israel, I am surrounded by reminders of where I come from and how I got here. It started last Thursday night, when I made halushki, a Central/Eastern European dish popular in Western Pennsylvania, at my friend מיכאל’s (pronounced “Mee-kha-el”) apartment Continue Reading »
Posted on January 16, 2012 by Naomi Zaslow
Posted on December 19, 2011 by Lauren Schuchart
From my blog: In Jerusalem, everyone has a *guy: “You want to buy fish? Oh you HAVE to go see my guy in the shuk.” “My cheese guy is the BEST. He let’s you try whatever you want.” “Time for a haircut? You have to go to my guy on Emek!” The fun, and perhaps Continue Reading »
Posted on December 13, 2011 by Leah Stern
Hello Pardesians and World, I am writing to you from a small cafe in Tel Aviv. I must confess that I was at a loss as to what to talk about in my next blog post. I was going to try to follow my theme of faces in jerusalem of my first blog post, but Continue Reading »
Posted on November 9, 2011 by Andrea Wiese
I just received this article about bagel shops in Chicago (Kaufmans, our favorite, taking the number one stop) from my mother in the mail yesterday. She is always sending me little things, articles, stickers, pictures, whatever she can to let me know she is thinking of me. But even though she sent me this because Continue Reading »
Posted on November 8, 2011 by Lauren Schuchart
This was originally posted on ‘Life According to Lauren’ My roommates and I decided a few weeks ago that we wanted to make our kitchen kosher. The word kosher literally means “fit,” and it refers to the Jewish dietary laws. There are different reasons why one might choose to “keep kosher.” Here are a few Continue Reading »
Posted on November 5, 2011 by Suzi
All moved in and settled, except of course I’ll be looking for months to figure out where I stashed things. Already forgot where I put my scissors! Here’s what it looks like–gracious, serene, and I might as well be in Italy, at least until I step out into the busy, crazy scene that is Emek Continue Reading »
Posted on October 18, 2011 by Barer
Better late than never, as they say. Words of Torah are timeless, so I hope this is just as meaningful now, even though it was given at the year-opening Shabbaton by Pardes Fellow Kalie Kelman: I guess I pulled the short straw, so I’m giving the first d’var Torah of the weekend. But I promise Continue Reading »