Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 14, 2013 by Dorielle Parker
Discovering the art of Sofrut at Pardes I have always felt enchanted by shape. The coffee mug shaped perfectly for my hand. The shoes fit perfectly for my feet. The canvas built perfectly for paint. Letters curved perfectly for words. Words shaped perfectly for Creation. It is told that every Hebrew letter has a specific Continue Reading »
Posted on December 9, 2013 by Debra Weiner-Solomont
by Debra Weiner, staff member since 1998 Pardes is more than a place to work, Pardes is family. Staff and faculty are connected outside of the office and Beit Midrash. This year I had the special zechut (privilege) to spend the last night of Chanukah with Arlene Harel. Arlene lives in the Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem, Continue Reading »
Posted on November 29, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From my blog: מוֹדֶה אֲנִי לְפָנֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּם, שֶׁהֶחֱזַרְתָּ בִּי נִשְׁמָתִי בְּחֶמְלָה. רַבָּה אֱמוּנָתֶךָ. Grateful I am before you, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great. These are the first words that leave our lips in the morning – while still laying in bed. Continue Reading »
Posted on July 28, 2013 by Eli Steier
Perfect standards for Perfect people Do not take us out of the wilderness And our people have known wilderness All too well Perfect standards for Imperfect people Are just enough to Take us Home
Posted on June 3, 2013 by Stuart Matan Lithwick
It is so hard to believe Annie and my year in Israel is already over! We are sitting in our hostel room in Tel Aviv, taking in the sounds of the city, as we contemplate returning to Toronto, changed in so many ways. This year has been a year with so many different facets. Challenging, Continue Reading »
Posted on May 26, 2013 by Sean Ference
My dvar Torah from the Galil Shabbaton: In our parsha, we are given a vivid description of the Israelite’s journey through the wilderness, and what this vast undertaking entailed. Their journey would begin when the divine cloud would lift off the Mishkan; only then would the Israelite camp begin to move. How long Israel stayed Continue Reading »
Posted on March 28, 2013 by David Bogomolny
Emly Oren left Israel with her family at the age of four, but in many ways Israel never left her family. At school in Orange County, Emly was the only Israeli student; but her family continued to speak Hebrew at home, and they only watched Israeli television programs. The Orens would travel to Israel every Continue Reading »
Posted on March 25, 2013 by Andrea Wiese
From my blog: I am in the US and today with my mom and my great great aunt Eki, we made (homemade) gefilta fish! I always have a hesitation when coming home because I have become more observant over the past four years in Israel, but today, I felt very Jewish and really proud of Continue Reading »
Posted on February 14, 2013 by Abayiss
When I think of my life, look back and reflect, I know she’s always been there. It was ALWAYS her, no matter what, through all the trials and despite our occasional differences, she will always be by my side, and I love her for it. She will never diminish, she is as much a part of me Continue Reading »
Posted on February 14, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
Jessie Gindea (PEP ’10-’12) reflects upon the first Pardes Educators Conference in Baltimore There have been moments throughout my first year teaching amidst the messy lockers, lost homework, and lunch boxes strewn around the hallways, when my experience at Pardes seems like a hundred years ago. I love my job as the Coordinator of Jewish Continue Reading »