Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on November 7, 2010 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, Last week I went on a day trip exploring East Jerusalem, specifically the Mount of Olives, Silwan (neighbouring the City of David), Sheikh Jarrah, Damascus Gate and the Old City. The objective of the trip was to explore a side of Jerusalem many of us don’t often see or interact with, and therefore, Continue Reading »
Posted on November 2, 2010 by Eryn
I was fortunate to be able to take a break from the office and participate in one class during the Pardes “Yom Iyun Sukkot.” The class, taught by Pardes faculty member, Tovah Leah Nachmani, was entitled, “Sukkot: Is God on the Guest List?” Starting with the controversial statement by Hillel the Elder – “If I Continue Reading »
Posted on October 31, 2010 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, It’s that time of the week again! Hopefully the coming week will be filled with lots of optimism, more rain (we need it here!), productivity, smiles and love for all of us!! In Israel, the Shabbat of Parshat Chayei Sara is often highly politicized. Since the Torah reading talks about Avraham’s purchase of Continue Reading »
Posted on October 17, 2010 by Barer
I have been writing weekly for a blog called New Voices which I found through MASA, and since I haven’t had enough time or ideas to come up with separate posts on any regular basis here, I have included my latest post from New Voices. I am well aware that this is a controversial topic; it has sparked some fairly critical responses on New Voices (if you’re interested, see this post and especially the comments that follow).
Posted on January 10, 2010 by David Bogomolny
Several weeks ago, I decided that it was high time for me to visit the Tayelet in J’lem, and I woke myself up at an early hour to daven (pray) the shacharit (morning) service with my tefilin (phylacteries) at sunrise, facing the Old City of J’lem. It was a chilly morning, and I felt it. Continue Reading »
Posted on December 13, 2009 by Brenna
Experiencing prayer is one of my favorite things in Israel and Jerusalem in particular. This whole country is a place of prayer. Where else but Israel, would one hear in the beginning of the show “Survivor” one of the secular contestants sing “Modeh Ani” (a prayer praising G-d for returning to life in the morning)? Continue Reading »