Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 6, 2013 by Avigayle Adler
Grapes, Pomegranates, Olives, Dates, Figs, Wheat and Barley have a special significance to the Land of Israel and are given special mention and priority on Tubishevat, the Jewish New Year for trees. Indeed they have priority when blessing food as well. I have always been enchanted with
Posted on February 12, 2012 by Derek Kwait
(X-posted from my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim) Some of my fondest Jewish childhood memories are of Tu B’Shvat. Every year in Sunday School, we at Beth Israel Center threw a huge seder, with tens of species of exotic and familiar fruits, and a student-made Hagadda. Every year I looked forward to watching the grape Continue Reading »
Posted on July 11, 2011 by Cheryl Stone
Check out THIS POST to see photos of the AMAZING new mural at Pardes! The first annual Yom Iyun envisioned, planned, run, and taught by the Pardes Educators Program took place on ט”ו בשבט 5771/2011. Facilitating both formal and experiential sessions, the Educators focused on the four גלגולים – embodiments or incarnations – that the Continue Reading »