Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on April 2, 2012 by Jacob Siegel
The craziest job interview I’ve ever done happened in December of 2009. On a cold, sleepy morning on a farm in Northwestern Connecticut, I stood in the snow near the henhouse holding buckets. The man running the slaughter passed us chickens in the midst of their last muscle contractions. Later that morning, we plucked and Continue Reading »
Posted on February 3, 2012 by Barer
In this week’s parsha the Israelites truly become free, as they finally and unmistakably escape from the Egyptians, singing jubilantly after seeing the Egyptians drown in the Red Sea. Immediately after the Song of the Sea, we are introduced to one of the motifs of the time in the midbar (while traditionally translated desert, there Continue Reading »
Posted on August 20, 2011 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, Thank God I made it through my first full week in Chicago! Busy with staff training, learning the neighbourhood and tying up loose ends, I’m happy to report that things are starting to fall into place. I’m grateful for all the support in and outside Chicago – you know who you are! This week, Continue Reading »