Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 23, 2013 by Candace Mittel
About Jerusalem Medley Odalia I am from Beit Shemesh. Twenty minutes away from Jerusalem. You are invited to come and see. She is very nice city. The people there… very, very… heart persons. Lovely. I come to Jerusalem a lot. I love this place because when I was teenager I was here a lot with Continue Reading »
Posted on September 28, 2012 by Eric Feldman
cross-posted from my blog: Hey! It’s been a while since I posted last, so lets get right to it. The last 2 weeks were the two major holidays of the year, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and the last major holiday of the month, Sukkot, begins on Sunday night and lasts for a week. Sukkahs Continue Reading »
Posted on September 19, 2011 by Andrea Wiese
Over the past weekend, my school had a “Shabbaton” which means a rest. The actual explanation is like a weekend retreat. The whole weekend was very beautiful with a lot of bonding and relaxing. I got to play some basketball on Shabbat with some of my classmates too! One of the highlights was during free Continue Reading »