These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Poland Trip: Jordyn’s e-mail to her Father

Posted on January 24, 2010 by The Director of Digital Media

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One of the Poland trip participants wrote an e-mail to her father about the Poland trip, and sent it to me for this Pardes blog… here it is:

Poland was an enriching experience. The days were emotionally intense and long
and cold, but Rav Levi Cooper--my Hassidic teacher and main tour guide made sure
the trip was educational and appropriate; also the group was supportive of one
another and introspective. 
Most times I was disgusted at what the Nazis and Polish people did to our
fore-brothers/sisters/mother/fathers/etc AND other human beings and I felt
defiant and remembered what Danny Steinmetz said to me this summer, "we (Jews)
are too strong, rich, smart, and powerful to let that happen to us again." This
thought left me with a feeling of power and responsibility TO DO and to
ACTUALIZE my POTENTIAL, BUT ALSO not to forget other people who are not so
strong to take care of themselves. And in the name of social responsibility and
being a light-onto-the-nations I feel a new responsibility.
I learned a lot in Poland about the War and about Jewish life. Furthermore, when
we got to the Polish airport I was soooo excited to go to Israel. I didn't not
like Poland and I didn't feel like I was in a country that didn't want me, but
Israel truly felt like a safe-haven. I wasn't expecting to feel that.
good shabbas, see you in February!
love, Jordy

Pardes trips to Poland are run in partnership with Heritage Seminars. The Claims Conference has provided trip scholarships for qualifying Pardes participants, as well as subsidies for program components directed at Jewish educators. cc_logo_copy_OP