These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem


Posted on October 20, 2010 by David Bogomolny

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Many of you may be familiar with Rav Meir Schweiger – he has taught at Pardes nearly since its founding.

Rav Meir Schweiger happens to be the faculty advisor for the 2010-11 Pardes Fellows, which is really a wonderful privilege for those of us who have chosen to return here for a 2nd year of Torah study. Generally, each class (aleph, bet, gimel, etc.) has a faculty advisor, but Fellows at all levels have a special relationship with Rav Meir.

Every Monday the fellows have lunch together, and one of us shares a brief dvar Torah with the rest. We then discuss administrative matters – how are our Fellows projects proceeding? what events at Pardes require our assistance? do any of us need help? what needs does the community seem to have that aren’t being addressed?

Afterwards, Rav Meir teaches us Mishnah. He teaches us with such love, and such quiet assurance.

I can’t help but look to him as a role model – more than almost anybody else at Pardes. He is at home in Jewish tradition and practice. He is confident in his identity as a Jew, as an Israeli, as a Zionist, as a religious person. He is knowledgeable; he is gentle; he is comfortable hearing opposing points of view. He believes in Hashem; he believes in Torah m’Sinai; he believes in the holiness of Eretz Yisroel. He is down to earth, and he is accessible to his students.

Rav Meir teaches by example in a way that touches me deeply. He doesn’t tell me that I should want to think or act in any particular way, but he inspires me to continue working on my personal development as both a human being and a Jew. I am greatly thankful for him.