Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on December 16, 2010 by Avi Strausberg
on the closing of beresheit, the first book, and the opening of shmot, the second, i wanted to put side-by-side two haikus. the one through which i opened beresheit and one to reflect on the story of what’s been told. we’ve come along way in a few months. from the darkness and the divisions of light and life to generations of individuals and relationships in whose lives we’ve become intertwined. from an unformed void to a collective of voices and narratives that will form the basis of the jewish people. we pause on the edge of another beginning.
in the darkness, a canvas
ברא ויקרא (he created and he called).
the closing of בראשית
their lives color the canvas
their deaths live us here alone
to form the picture
may we remember our beginnings in the midst of our journeys,