Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on October 5, 2011 by The Director of Digital Media
An OTZMA particpant shares some thoughts after a visit to Pardes:
My name is Billie Hirsch and I am a participant of OTZMA 2011-2012, a JFNA initiative offering post-undergraduate students a year in Israel, volunteering in various arenas. I write a blog for Jewish Boston, and recently visited the Pardes Institute on an OTZMA education field day. I was tremendously impressed by highly academic and critical environment, and wrote a bit about it in my blog–I would love to share it with the Institute if it is at all interested. The sentiment of this blog entry is, I feel, very similar to the mantra or philosophy behind the mission of Pardes in terms of religious interrogation and Jewish metathought, hence my sharing it.
Please feel free to use it in any venue, the Pardes Facebook, etc.
Thanks so much for your time in reading this!
Billie Hirsch