These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem


Posted on November 3, 2011 by Suzi

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Wrote this last night:
It’s RAINING in Jerusalem Thanks to all the Jews who’ve been praying for this–but couldn’t you have asked it to wait until I got home? Though it was fun walking up Ben Yehuda and watching everybody dancing in the downpour, getting soaked and not caring one tiny bit about it…the youngsters, that is. Many older folks took refuge under balconies, inside shops, under unfolded newspapers. The rain stopped a while ago, but just started again, accompanied by thunder this time. Amazing, living in a place where even the rain has spiritual and religious implications. As for me, I’m going to carry my umbrella religiously for the rest of the rainy season, bli neder. Getting off now, don’t trust the thunder with a laptop.

Shabbat shalom!