Stuff Pardesians Say
Posted on March 15, 2012 by S. Gunning
Tags: holidays, humor, Pardes, Purim, Purim shpiel, quotes
The following list of quotes was compiled by Sara Gunning and Derek Kwait for last week’s Purim Spiel:
- I will davka only eat organic tofu.
- This Mishna is so heteronormative!
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s gay.
- There’s a lot of othering going on in this Gemara.
- I’m really grateful for the chance to improve my dictionary skills.
- What did you do for Shabbas?
- I went to Bethlehem.
- I just did a new mitzvah. Can we do a processing session?
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s FFB.
- She’s so frum, she won’t even hug me over the mechitza.
- How can we call this a Jewish State while we continue to stand by and let innocent cats starve on our streets?
- Is it possible to be a posek without following Halakha?
- I LOVE Heschel!
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s a woman.
- I’ll only go to YCT once they admit women.
- I would go to Hebrew College if they had a mechitza minyan.
- I just went to the Gush. Can we do a processing session?
- Oh man! I’m so excited we’re going to see it in the text!
- I’d just like to push back against that…
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta lived in Palestine.
- Does anyone want to help me start an egal minyan in Hebron?
- Self, Soul, and Text is not avoda zara, I swear I haven’t worshipped anything since Mincha.
- It’s not Pardesians its Pardesniks!
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta davens at the mechitza minyan.
- The way Rabbi Akiva reads text is intellectual fascism.
- Israel makes my ovaries hurt.
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s DLK.
- I can’t believe no one has returned my Jastrow… it has my siman all over it.
- Shtaaak
- I really like your hair…..which one of your parents is Jewish again?
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s Hungarian.
- I’ve decided to become a Shabbatitarian.
- Hey guys who’s up for settlers this weekend?!
- The Kotel is avoda Zara!
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s a cohen.
- I’m sorry I don’t speak Ashkenazi.
- Snuff??… NOT FROM THE SIDES!!!!
- I’m not shomer Negiah im shomer neGAYa.
- I really need a massage…. or a shtender.
- What’s the Koisel?
- Who wants to come to egalitarian musical Vadikin, at the Tayelet which I feel I must inform you is over the green line…… there will be a processing session led by DLK afterwards.
- No, it’s okay, my chevruta’s Sephardi.
- Is it hot in here or is it just the Mishna.
- Who cares if there’s a little mold on it ITS HEFKER!
- Did you hear about Shmuli, he didn’t go on the tiyul and ended up at Wolfson with FOMO.
- What do you mean Pardes isn’t going to feed me for davening by myself?
- Do to overwhelming demand the group processing session for people who have been offended by Robert Murstein will be moved from Room C to The Beit Midrash.