These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

I believe

Posted on June 14, 2012 by Sam Blumberg

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(inspired by my Perspectives Israel trip)

by Sam Blumberg

I believe


that this fence has

saved lives.

that this fence

devastates those

who are stuck

without anyone on their side

on the other side.

that if you have an answer for everything,

you don’t know anything.

that we belong here.

that HERE doesn’t have to mean everywhere, here.

that naivete is better than arrogance.

that to stand up

and say to the other “you are real”

takes strength

and isn’t for everyone.

in compromise.

that no one in the world

should have to sleep in

(or run to)

a bomb shelter.

that Israel isn’t doing enough for its own people

let alone

the other.

that the next generation

should be taught

to teach us.

that above all

we are all
