Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 30, 2012 by Aliza Geller
Wow! Ever since my blog was added to the list of Pardes Student Bloggers, there has been an explosion of pageviews! Thanks everyone!
So the title of my blog post is, Cultural Activities in Israel. One of my goals for the year is to experience what Israel has to offer in music, film, ect. So far I have not been working so hard on this goal. As someone who will hopefully be teaching about Israel when I go back to The States, this is very important. I went to this Jazz performance at The Yellow Submarine, a really cute venue near where I live. The music was just a tad more experimental than I like, which is saying a lot, because I really like experimental music.
Okay, so this happens to be a picture of Hadag Nachash. (Image Borrowed from I hope that is okay.
Last night I went to Off The Wall Comedy. At first I was a little worried when at 9:15 I was the only one there. Even though the show was slated to start at 9, it did not start until about 9:30. The show was awesome! There were two Israeli comedians and one American, though I cannot for the life of me remember their names. Even though a few of the jokes were lost in translation, I did not stop laughing.
This is the part where I ask for audience participation: I have found a few places to see and things to do already. However, I would love to hear from you. What movies, performances, museums do you recommend checking out in Israel?
Chag Sameach!