Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on March 14, 2013 by Stuart Matan Lithwick
Hello Pardesians!
I went to Women at the Wall this week, and I have to write about it! It was an incredible experience in so many ways!
I had gone to Women at the Wall once before, but I think this was the biggest turnout yet! Also, what gave it a different flavour was a group of 70 Haredi men who launched a counter protest from the men’s side. Every time that the women began to daven, the men would do everything possible to drown out the sound of the women’s voices, including playing the shofar! At that moment, when the shofar was used to drown out the sound of the Shema that was coming from the women’s side, all I could feel was anger and shame! This is a symbol that is used as a call to prayer, and here it was being used to mask prayer. I was glad that I could be there.
Have a wonderful, safe, and joyous Pesach everyone!