Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 30, 2013 by Candace Mittel
About Jerusalem Medley
I want to be a creator. To do my own stuff. Write songs, write music. Ever since I was like fifteen years old I wanted to do this. I started listening to music that influenced to me in a different way, a more powerful way than before. Before, okay, music was something. In the car there was music, but then I started to look for solutions and meaning, and music which I felt helped me grow up and educate myself. Because I also was looking for role models, which I did not find in my parents, with all due respect. The very first one I liked was Aviv Geffen. Now, I don’t like him. He’s gone on TV and ta ta ta… Then I really liked Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin and Bob Dylan, of course, and, you know, the good ones. With the good lyrics.
I am from Mazkeret Batya. Near Rehovot. I am 24 years old. I came to Jerusalem two years ago to study, to study music. Not exactly right after the army. I spent a year up north. I worked at a hotel, and then I came here to Jerusalem. I came to Jerusalem mostly for the school. There’s a school here for arts. I mostly study experimental music, noise, electronic music, all sorts of music, but that’s the direction that the school points you at. Some music for films. My girlfriend studies in a different school here, the visual theater school, and she did a twelve minute film, and I did the music for that. We are only seven students in my class. There’s a place called HaCasseta. I’m playing with my flatmate on the 24th of August. It’s not going to be so much. Just loud. Two guitars.
There’s a big school here in Jerusalem, a music academy, and lots of classical musicians come study, but most of the industry, or what you call “the industry,” is in Tel Aviv. That’s probably where we will go. I would like to stay in Jerusalem, but it’s, like, small…
I like it here. I always like the atmosphere in Jerusalem. And the air, the weather. I also like the diversity. I find it interesting, I suppose. And a lot of people live how they believe they should live, all the way. And I think that’s strong. Of course, I have my problems with some of the fundamentalists, etc., who do it aggressively, like right outside my door, they’re screaming “Shabbas, Shabbas!” but… I suppose I accept it as part of life. I try to do my own thing.
I can see myself living in Jerusalem for a long time. But one thing I would change… if I could change the tickets for the Rakevet HaKalah (The Light Rail)… make them go faster!