Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on August 9, 2015 by Eli Steier
Fall Creek Elementary
כולָנו עַם אֶחַד
We are all one people
نحن جميعا أمة واحدة
עוֹלָם שֶל מִשְפָחָת אַחַת
A world of one family
عالم من عائلة واحدة
יֵש רַק שָפָה אַחַת
There is only one language
هنالك فقط لغة واحدة
ואוֹתָה מְדַבְרִים הַיְלָדִים
and the children speak it
والاطفال يتحدثون بها
This poem was written in a completely different context then the current one, and in light of the murder of a Palestinian infant, takes on jarring and disturbing resonances. To me this speaks to the urgency of the message of the poem and may Hashem give us the strength and courage to get there.
“Fall Creek Elementary”..
Hebrew and English by Eli Steier
Translated into Arabic by Professor Mohammed Dajani