Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on June 15, 2020 by Tamy Jacobs
We had a heatwave here in Jerusalem a little over a week ago. One day, I decided to go and sit under a shady tree, three little schoolboys joined me, tzitzit flying as they danced around on the grass. Rolling around, laughing. Not a care in the world. Remember that feeling? Not Continue Reading »
Posted on December 19, 2019 by Tamy Jacobs
This post was originally written by Tami Jacobs on her personal blog: We thank her for sharing this piece. This is her reflection of the Pardes Negev Tiyul (South tour) that took place Dec. 3-5, 2019. There’s a saying do something that scares you every day. It’s funny I don’t consider myself a fearful person, Continue Reading »
Posted on July 30, 2019 by Tamy Jacobs
Imagine sitting in the shade on a Saturday morning. There’s a bit of a breeze. We just finished davvening (praying) and had a snack. It’s our final Pardes Shabbaton. We are in Tavor Alon at a retreat center. Everyone is relaxed and happy. We’ve broken into small groups to reflect back on the past year. Continue Reading »