Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on January 30, 2011 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, I hope you are all well and had a good week. This past week was my first back at Pardes after the semester break, so it has been a bit of an adjustment: new classes, new people and new schedules. Having said all that, I’m very excited to be back in the Bet Continue Reading »
Posted on October 31, 2010 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, It’s that time of the week again! Hopefully the coming week will be filled with lots of optimism, more rain (we need it here!), productivity, smiles and love for all of us!! In Israel, the Shabbat of Parshat Chayei Sara is often highly politicized. Since the Torah reading talks about Avraham’s purchase of Continue Reading »
Posted on November 24, 2009 by Naomi Adland
Two weeks ago, my grandfather passed away. He had been ill for a long time, and it was not a sudden death, but it has been nonetheless a difficult experience. At his funeral, my uncle shared a story about my grandfather that has become something of a mantra for me in the last few weeks: Continue Reading »