Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 10, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
This week Rabbi Michael Hattin discusses Parashat Bemidbar. Bemidbar ’73 Shabbat shalom!
Posted on May 9, 2013 by Hannah Perlis
פרשת במדבר Parshat Bimidbar Imagine that you are applying for a promotion at work and your dear friend gets that promotion instead of you even though you’ve worked really hard. Do you support that friend, or do you become resentful, and secretly a little jealous? In this week’s Parsha, Bimidbar, after a lengthy census, the Continue Reading »
Posted on April 4, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
This week, Rav Daniel Landes discusses Parashat Shmini. Shmini ’73 Shabbat shalom!
Posted on January 25, 2013 by Laurie Franklin
Tu Bshvat Today, I said I want to be a Redwood. I want to be big, too big to ignore, A wonder, Almost immortal. I want hugs, lots of them, ya know like when people hold hands to circle your trunk. My fellow Levites got it. They surrounded me with hugs. Two hours later, Psalms Continue Reading »
Posted on December 27, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
This week, Neima Novetsky discusses Parashat VaYechi in “The ‘Blesssing’ of Shimon and Levi.’” Neima VaYechi 5773 Shabbat Shalom!
Posted on June 12, 2012 by Esther DuBow
By Esther DuBow, PEP ’12 Daniel Weinreb, you are truly a scholar and a gentleman and having you as a colleague these past two years has been wonderful. I want that “sugya” you wrote for closing lunch. In return, I’ll give you a copy of our spiel, (PAUSE) assuming there are some left that weren’t Continue Reading »
Posted on June 12, 2011 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, I hope you are well, recovering from dairy-filled Shavuot meals and enjoying the beautiful weather of summer. Here in Jerusalem, summer has certainly arrived and we managed to make it through only ONE day of dairy meals on Shavuot. As some of you may know, this week was also the graduation of my Continue Reading »
Posted on June 9, 2011 by Pious Antic
Last week, I spoke briefly at Pardes’ closing lunch, and I have adapted what I remember of them, since I never actually got around to typing them up ahead of time, here: Two years ago, when I first arrived at Pardes, I was struck by something our dean, David Bernstein said during one of the Continue Reading »
Posted on May 29, 2011 by Avi Strausberg
i’m a bit embarrassed to say i’ve noticed an unsettling theme in my dvrei torah. i’m drawn to the characters and the storylines in which the israelities, moshe, aharon, whomever, is called upon to do the work of God and it just seems like its too much for them. it’s too scary, too dangerous, or Continue Reading »