Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on February 23, 2017 by Amalia Mark
Between two continents; sky above, water below. The in-between space. It’s a beautifully unsettling place, one where we can be struck with the immense magnificence of creation and human ingenuity. I’m speaking of course, of the bridge that connects the two continents of Europe and Asia within Turkey. The Bosphorous Bridge, most recently known as Continue Reading »
Posted on February 20, 2017 by Stefanie Glowinsky
This morning we had the privilege of meeting with the Hahambaşi, the Chief Rabbi of Turkey. He came across as very personable and friendly, and he had many words of wisdom to share with us. We learned how he responds to the needs of his community in a way that shows he understands them and Continue Reading »
Posted on February 19, 2017 by Carrie Watkins
Hello, My name is Carrie. I am a lava monster, and today I taught a lesson on the teachings of Hillel from Pirkei Avot. Perhaps you didn’t think lava monsters could teach Torah – a common misconception. Allow me to explain. Today, the Pardes students and I taught six lessons to fifth and sixth graders Continue Reading »