Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 14, 2012 by Austin C.
The following is from all of the notes I’ve taken this year during my studies at Pardes. The subject of prayer has been of particular interest to me… (first presented at the final Pardes Shabbaton) Liturgy/Prayer – Liturgy/Prayer is a basic way for us to get in touch with God, fellow Jews, Jewish values, and Continue Reading »
Posted on April 30, 2012 by Dr. J. Golden
I first learned about this wonderful program through the Pardes newsletter. I was in Brazil at the time and had already missed the first class, but I immediately wrote to see if it would still be possible for me to join the course. I also invited my M.A. student, Joshua Barer, to enroll in the Continue Reading »
Posted on March 27, 2012 by Lauren Schuchart
(The second in a series of 5 posts detailing my heritage trip to Poland… originally posted on my blog) ___________________ Gone Now are Those Little Towns “Gone now are those little towns where the shoemaker was a poet, the watchmaker a philosopher, the barber a troubadour…” –Antoni Sionimski, “Elegy for the Jewish Villages” Tykocin
Posted on March 20, 2012 by Daniel Weinreb
“Kids these days. They don’t learn like before. They have all the information at their fingertips. Confronted with a problem, they need only to glance over to a different page and lo and behold their questions are answered. Learning used to be a social process, with emphasis on learning from someone else, or better yet, Continue Reading »
Posted on March 6, 2012 by Eliyahu B.
Cross-posted from my Facebook note. In my Peace and Conflict class today we wrote what is called a “Third Story” regarding Amalek (the nation whose descendants have plagued Israel with wars and attempted exterminations). Here is what a Third Story is, and then I will share my “Third Story” of the conflict between Haman and Continue Reading »
Posted on February 20, 2012 by Andrea Wiese
I am so nervous, and so excited! I am flying in two days to the US for student teaching! I am really lucky since I will be able to see my family first in Chicago before going to Philadelphia, but then it will be down to business! I am so excited to see what a Continue Reading »
Posted on January 24, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
A quote from a student during the Fellows recruitment meeting yesterday: “Pardes is traditional Judaism’s most loving and honest response to modernity.”
Posted on January 22, 2012 by Leah Stern
Hi Pardesians and World, On Friday morning at 4:30 AM, I arrived back from Poland with my fellow Pardesians. Though we are happy to be back in Israel and are looking forward to the coming semester, we continue to process and ask questions about our experience in Poland. The first experience I would like to Continue Reading »
Posted on January 16, 2012 by Aliza B.
I think it was during high school that Rabbi Gabi Meyer came to Boulder, and spoke about his work creating peace in Israel. I remember being enthralled. He is an incredible being. I remember that at the shul, there were Hebrew speakers and Spanish speakers and English speakers and he was going back and forth Continue Reading »
Posted on August 20, 2011 by Tamara Frankel
Dear Friends, Thank God I made it through my first full week in Chicago! Busy with staff training, learning the neighbourhood and tying up loose ends, I’m happy to report that things are starting to fall into place. I’m grateful for all the support in and outside Chicago – you know who you are! This week, Continue Reading »