These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Tag Archives: Yaakov Maimon Program

Week 10: The Other (i.e. Your Brother)

Posted on November 11, 2011 by Derek Kwait

(X-posted from my home blog, Yinzer in Yerushalayim) This was a dark week in Israel. As it happens, the anniversaries of both Yitzhak Rabin‘s assassination and Kristallnacht fall this week, and at Pardes, we had presentations on both. Tuesday, during Group Lecture, two of our rabbis discussed the impact the assassination had on them. Rabin’s Continue Reading »

The Pardes Sunset Project – Evening 3

Posted on November 4, 2011 by Heligman

Too often the shades of our life are drawn and God’s magnificent colors are missed.  I am taking on this project as a means to stop and enjoy God’s brilliance.  For the month of November, each day I will document the evening sunset from the Pardes Beit Midrash. I hope you will stop and notice Continue Reading »

Volunteering at the Yaakov Maimon program

Posted on June 10, 2011 by Avigail H-P

This year at Pardes, I volunteered at the Yaakov Maimon program, & I wrote 2 posts about it on my blog, which I’d like to share here:     #1. volunteering. Dec. 21, 2010 in Jerusalem I have lots to learn about the Ethiopian immigration to Israel – and will likely start by reading this wikipedia article. Continue Reading »

Promises, Promises

Posted on May 23, 2011 by Aviva P.

Prior to coming to Israel, my mother tried made me promise her three things: I won’t date an Israeli I won’t move to Israel/want to make aliyah I won’t become orthodox While somehow I believed that there was no reason for my mom to be concerned (1) Israelis are difficult, 2) I liked living in Continue Reading »