Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on September 22, 2010 by David Bogomolny
As I mentioned in a previous post, returning for a 2nd year at Pardes feels empowering to me in certain ways. I feel more empowered, for example, to arrange more independent chevrutas than I did last year, and more empowered to direct my studies.
Last year, I took the Self, Soul & Text class at Pardes, and I gained a great deal of perspective and spiritual confidence through my studies with Rabbi James Jacobson-Maisels. This year, I have arranged an independent ‘spiritual chevruta’ with a good friend of mine, and Rabbi Jacobson-Maisels will be providing us with guidance as needed.
Last year, I never would have imagined that I would have the confidence to create & direct something like this outside of my Self, Soul & Text class… this year I feel prepared to apply my recently acquired skills and knowledge to my personal growth during my 2nd year of Torah Study.