O-bla-di, O-bla-da
Posted on November 23, 2012 by Lauren Schuchart
Tags: appreciation / gratitude, being a student, blessing / bracha, Chef David Berman, community, community lunch / breakfast, Ezrat Avot, food, friends, happiness, holidays, Masters in Jewish Education Plus Pardes (MAPP), Pardes, Pardes Center for Jewish Educators (PCJE), pictures / photos, social action projects, Thanksgiving, volunteering
Originally posted on my blog:
(from yesterday)
Today is Thanksgiving!
After the last few days, I am even more grateful for all of the blessings that I have in my life. With thanks to God for FAMILY (and Skype technology), amazing FRIENDS near and far, a wonderful and supportive community here in Israel, a hope for continued peace here in the Middle East, and of course, all of the overpriced, American-influenced stores here that carry canned-pumpkin…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving feast for lunch at Pardes. It’s not the same as my Mom’s home-cookin’, but it’s still delicious!
My beautiful friends at lunch! Cara, Heather, and Me
Laura and her friend from college, Avi.
Cute, guys.
Chowing down at community lunch.
Naomi and Mary-Brett!
Happy that classes are over for the week 🙂
Every Thursday, Pardes takes part in social action projects around Jerusalem.
My project is working with an organization called Ezrat Avot, where we pack bags of food for needy families.
An evening of football, friends, and brewskis.