These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Abraham’s Family (A Prose Poem)

Posted on January 13, 2013 by Shanee Michaelson

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This is a poem inspired by what I’ve
been learning in Daniel Roth’s
Chumash / Mediation class. I read it
on our last day of class this semester.

Abraham’s Family

(a prose poem)

Isaac have I loved
for he has filled my days with laughter
and through him God heard my cry
giving me a son
in my image
strong, free, fierce as a ram
my true progeny.

Older, darker, different
you orchestrated all our childhood games
I was happy then, to play along-
but no more!
Our family needs a new leader now
and I am the chosen one,
there can be no other-
even if you are my brother.

While you were growing up
I was shielding you from the harsh desert sun
I protected you from our father’s bouts of madness
I saw myself as a second dad to you;
And now that you are grown, you
don’t need me anymore.
I’m just your brother from another
life, when your life wasn’t yet your own.
Go in peace, my child.
May God be there when we meet again.