These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

‘These Are Moments’ Poem

Posted on April 21, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media

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These Are Moments
Written by Andrew Lustig (Year '11-'12)

these are moments.
of clarity and insight. of sitting and talking and laughing and learning. dancing in circles. not afraid.
moments that are made by songs and psalms and stories of what we are and deciding what we can be.
are moments.
rarely where you expect to find them.
we’re outside of the box
outside your comfort zone
i can’t believe i’m finally here…

these are moments
where a desire to learn
a desire to speak for
an idea that you know is beautiful.
and a space that gives you permission
to take ownership over
your identity
because this is yours.
were meant to carry meaning.
to be collected.
and shared.
and felt.
and interpreted.
and translated.
and owned like no one ever told us we couldn’t.
like nobody ever tried to convince us
that this wasn’t cool.
that everything was set in stone.
and that this wasn’t a tradition of social justice.
or a pathway to the divine.
this doesn’t work in the 21st century.
they said.
when they tried to convince us that these moments couldn’t fit our lives.

but these are our moments.
for we are the leaders. and the teachers. and the speakers. and the authors. the preachers. the searchers. and the seekers.
these are the moments.
that need to be learned
in here.
and lived.
out there.
because these are
moments that we will see when we look in the mirror
and ask ourselves
what we did to
make the world.
more beautiful.
more just.
more meaningful.
and spiritual.
and we make them.