Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 7, 2013 by Avigayle Adler
In the Gemara, Shabbat is defined by the work that surrounds it and goes into preparing for it. We light the Sabbath candles to mark the beginning of Shabbat and light the Havdallah candle to mark its conclusion. Shabbat, therefore is book-ended, suspended in time between these two rituals of light. Interestingly enough, lighting a flame is the only explicit biblical prohibition during the Sabbath. In a similar way, the absence of lighting of fire during Shabbat is parallel to the work that we do all week long and its absence on the Sabbath. Absence both of work and fire, being the very things that define their being.
The Starry Night Havdallah set represents the night sky that one must recognize before making Havdallah and the blues and purples represent my ever elusive favorite color – “blue-just before you can call it purple”.
Starry Night Havdallah Set – glass tray, kiddush cup, candle holder and spice container
by Avigayle Adler
(PEP 2003-2005)
Please check out my other hand-painted flass at