Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on April 22, 2014 by Eva Neuhaus
the relationships we have with our parents form a template for our relationship with the Divine. i grew up giving my parents a very hard time, constantly bucking their authority. we fought all the time. this power struggle is present in my relationship with God, as it is in my relationships with everyone and everything. here is an example of a conversation from last week:
God: don’t eat that spelt matzah.
me: no. who do you think you are? it’s in my lunch bag and i want to eat it with my egg.
i then proceeded to eat it, throwing my body out of whack for several days.
this power struggle was at the core of my passover journey this year. i realized that i need to change the God that i serve. i would rather serve a God who asks, ‘do you really want to eat that spelt matzah?’ instead of one who tells me what to do from a distance.
which means i need to soften inside of myself, soften and open. to release the hardness from my heart and find my way into a different relationship with the Everything that brought me into being. here’s to the journey of freedom that is ongoing…
read more from my blog here.