These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Reflections on The Marilyn and Sigi z”l Ziering Omer Program 2019/5779

Posted on June 10, 2019 by Charles (Chuck) Freedman, Ph.D. and Aviva Freedman, Ph.D.

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This reflection was written by Charles (Chuck) Freedman, Ph.D. and Aviva Freedman, Ph.D.
Pardes Community Education Participants

We have been attending the Pardes Omer program every year since we made Aliyah almost 5 years ago. This year it lasted 5 weeks (between Pesach and Shavuot as the name indicates) and was, as usual, very rewarding for several reasons. First is the choice of subjects, taught over three mornings – Jewish history (encountering modernity); halacha (lashon hara on social media); biblical text (Shir Hashirim); current issues (the State of Israel in Jewish thought); spirituality (the Mikveh in today’s world); Israeli art; Parshat Hashavua; and the Biblical importance of eating. Second is the exceptional quality of the teaching and the high level of the learning. Third is flexibility – participants in the program can take as few or as many courses as fit into their schedules. And one is welcome to join for one class or an entire semester, a particular benefit for those visiting Israel for a short period of time and wanting to learn Torah while they are here. Fourth is the pleasure of studying with others who are knowledgeable and committed to Torah study. An example of the latter are classmates of ours, two couples from Australia, who came to Israel for the Omer program and who have become our friends.

For more information on this programming visit: