These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Archive: March 2018

On the streets of Istanbul: Pardes in Turkey 2018

Posted on March 22, 2018 by Nate Swetlitz

Bright and early. Well, it’s not bright yet because it’s too early. But we make it to the airport, and in no time we’re back in the city of sinuous streets, countless spires, and constant noise. Istanbul spans many cultures and two continents. We began our day back in Turkey on the Asian side, visiting Continue Reading »

Turkey 2018: Day 3 — Dancing a Singing

Posted on February 23, 2018 by Nate Swetlitz

In Turkey, the time is different than it is in Israel. It’s not just that it’s an hour later here. In Turkey, we have two days in one. After one and a half days of experiencing the city of seven hills (imagine a combination of San Francisco for the streets, LA for the traffic, and Continue Reading »