Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on March 7, 2012 by Kalie
Written by ANDREW LUSTIG: The people have spoken… AND THEY’VE BEEN HEARD. So, below I’ve listed all the impressive items and services for Thursday night’s Silent Auction, which will immediately follow megilla reading. Remember, there will be 5 very special items to be auctioned off LIVE during the shpiel as well. For now, those will Continue Reading »
Posted on March 6, 2012 by Eliyahu B.
Cross-posted from my Facebook note. In my Peace and Conflict class today we wrote what is called a “Third Story” regarding Amalek (the nation whose descendants have plagued Israel with wars and attempted exterminations). Here is what a Third Story is, and then I will share my “Third Story” of the conflict between Haman and Continue Reading »
Posted on March 4, 2012 by Shanee Michaelson
tribute to Yehuda Amichai calm, like the stillness after rain with eyes like lonely lilies your laughter and speech are ancient fashions from a book of other things. you are wonderful like horoscopes that never come true. I can find the brightest star with your fingers, strong and broken. there is so Continue Reading »
Posted on February 23, 2012 by aliza
This semester I am taking a course in Peace and Conflict. Recently we have been talking about the power of narrative to color, and help resolve conflict. The challenge is always to understand the narrative of both sides so well that you see them in their highest light. In order to begin this work, we Continue Reading »
Posted on February 10, 2012 by Derek Kwait
As I was browsing through my hard drive yesterday I rediscovered this dramatic monologue I wrote for my Playwriting class in college. Here it is with slight emendations, I hope you enjoy it. (I apologize for the weird spacing, I don’t know why it’s like that, it’s not intentional.) (A rabbi’s office. The wall is Continue Reading »
Posted on February 9, 2011 by Joel D.
By Faith Brigham “Barefoot and exposed I walk along a shoreline. With the clumping of a million grains of sand, my toes tingle Reminding me of my human-ness. My body-ness. The limitless of these grains tickle my brain as they tickle my limited body. A conch shell lies before me. My eyes gravitate towards its Continue Reading »