Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on January 3, 2013 by Annie Matan Gilbert
Thanks to Joseph Shamash for leading an inspiring Creative Shacharit this morning! We spent time practicing the Desire meditation from James Jacobson-Maisels’ Self, Soul and Text class, then were given paper and pens and markers to express what came up for us in the form of a drawing or a prayer, etc. Here is what Continue Reading »
Posted on January 2, 2013 by Annie Matan Gilbert
When I was applying for rabbinical school in 2011, I was inspired to write this poem: I’m on a lifelong quest for wholeness. Understanding, of course, that wholeness has broken edges, that every circle is a shard of light that every soul is a piece of God that every shadow is a trick of the Continue Reading »
Posted on December 31, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
Olga Lempert (Year ’06-’07) recently wrote this reflective piece on her blog: Sometimes life can start seeming pretty lifeless, an automated performance of an oiled and synced robotic routine. When that happens, I have no choice but to set out looking for some new life to replenish my supply. I look everywhere. Can my life Continue Reading »
Posted on December 27, 2012 by Annie Matan Gilbert
This week’s PCJE Dvar Torah is on Parshat Vayechi and is heavily inspired by the amazing divrei Torah of Yaffa Epstein and Jenna King-Brill at recent Pardes Night Seders. It’s also a little bit connected to this week’s learning in Ayeka, about “The Hard Stuff” in relationship with God and others. I have been pondering Continue Reading »
Posted on December 26, 2012 by Tadea Klein
Jerusalem is redeemed by her ordinariness By the wait for tardy buses the fear of meshugeneh drivers the lines at the bank In rows of clothes hung out to dry, I see ordinary people, with habitual concerns Petty, of this earth, utterly familiar and utterly commonplace Jerusalem is elevated by her extraordinariness By Arab women Continue Reading »
Posted on December 18, 2012 by Avi Benson-Goldberg
Walking around Jerusalem by myself fumbling my tongue into the shapes of an ancient language taught me how to live in the modern age. [cross-posted from my blog] I’ve had a hard time telling this. Explaining why I left the United States in the beginning of this spring–just as I started to make headway (are Continue Reading »
Posted on December 11, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
Anne Hartheimer (Year ’12) wrote this poem in Hebrew. לאן? אן הרטהימר איפה הבית שלי? לא קל לענות אי אפשר לראות. מה השפה שלי? לא פשוט לדבר עם מילים שאינן במוחי מילים שבחרו אותי. אני הולכת בדרך מילה אחרי מילה הן קשות אבל עגולות וחזקות. מילים כמו אבנים יש להן ודאות. אני עוקבת אחריהן לגלות Continue Reading »
Posted on December 8, 2012 by Mary Brett Koplen
Originally posted on my CowBird: I AM THAT I AM. Julie is 52 and plays the dulcimer. She is a teacher and a doodler. She strikes a note. “Listen up, Israel,” the first note says to the next. Danielle is 20 and is Pro-Israel, Pro-Palestine, Pro-Peace. She tells me: “To get to the Holy Western Continue Reading »
Posted on December 6, 2012 by Shoshana Rosen
Originally posted on my blog: With every word I am writing I am telling my 10 year old self-you can do it With every spelling mistake I am telling my high school self, you will get through this With every period. I am showing my college self There is more I promise Rav kook used Continue Reading »
Posted on December 5, 2012 by The Director of Digital Media
Hebron Olive There is Torah in this trunk: Otiot of rain, sun, wind, bullets, tears. Clouds pass, stories unwind, sun drops. Light shines through holes in gray bark. Is truth as crooked as this limb, As steep as the hillside? In the hollow center, Old leaves make new soil. Is this a Torah of hope? Continue Reading »