These and Those

Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

Prayer for Comfort

Posted on January 3, 2013 by Annie Matan Gilbert

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Thanks to Joseph Shamash for leading an inspiring Creative Shacharit this morning!

We spent time practicing the Desire meditation from James Jacobson-Maisels’ Self, Soul and Text class, then were given paper and pens and markers to express what came up for us in the form of a drawing or a prayer, etc.

Here is what came for me:


Here is what came for me:

Holy Rachamim, who holds all of creation

I long for comfort.

Your deep, warm womb

The feather-caress of Your great, white wing against my cheek

Your whispered promises in my ear

in my heart

Shechina, Tzimtzumai who birthed all my ancestors and me

I yearn to come home to You

held in You in each moment


tethered from my centre to Yours

fed on love and life and holiness

able to see the world

through the veil of Your body

that my own sharp edges

be softened

my bones be cushioned

my tender heart be coddled

so it can rest

assured of new days, and moments of wonder and blessing to come.

Mama, bless my tears with Your warm hand

help me to feel cleansed, refreshed, renewed

and ready

to face the world on my own feet

grounded in Your earth

on this and every dawning day.



You can find more of my writing on my website: