Musings from Students of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem
Posted on May 12, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
Sarah Margles (Year ’02, PEP ’04) reflects upon preparing for Shavuot… what does “readiness” mean? I remember when I first started at Pardes, I would spend much of Fridays getting ready for Shabbat – shopping, cooking, cleaning. When the siren went to light candles, my roommate would inevitably yell out, while running from the bathroom Continue Reading »
Posted on May 7, 2013 by Avigayle Adler
In the Gemara, Shabbat is defined by the work that surrounds it and goes into preparing for it. We light the Sabbath candles to mark the beginning of Shabbat and light the Havdallah candle to mark its conclusion. Shabbat, therefore is book-ended, suspended in time between these two rituals of light. Interestingly enough, lighting a Continue Reading »
Posted on May 6, 2013 by Avigayle Adler
Grapes, Pomegranates, Olives, Dates, Figs, Wheat and Barley have a special significance to the Land of Israel and are given special mention and priority on Tubishevat, the Jewish New Year for trees. Indeed they have priority when blessing food as well. I have always been enchanted with
Posted on May 2, 2013 by Laura Marder
What if What if we were all self absorbed and never helped one another? Could you imagine never grasping a hand if you stumbled, or borrowing a bit of money in a pinch. What would our world look like if we never supported each other? Emotionally. Financially. Physically. Spiritually. Would you ever feel empowered or Continue Reading »
Posted on April 28, 2013 by Hannah Grossman
Posted on April 26, 2013 by Aliza Geller
Devar Torah Workshop, Parashat Emor Over the past couple of weeks, students in their first year of the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators have been participating in a Devar Torah workshop with DLK (Rabbi David Levin-Kruss). This is the Devar Torah I wrote to be presented at the workshop yesterday, for Parashat Emor. Please keep Continue Reading »
Posted on April 24, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
From Ben Barer’s (Fellows 2011-12) blog: This post also appeared on State of Formation. It has been a tough week to be in Boston. It is almost as hard to add anything to all that has been written about the tragedy, confusion, and sadness that the week brought, to Boston and to the world as it Continue Reading »
Posted on April 18, 2013 by Cara Abrams-Simonton
From my blog: ד׳ באייר תשע״ג April 14, 2013 יום ראשון Yom Rishon, the first day (of the week) meaning Sunday… [I’ve decided to try to write seemingly mundane highlights for blog posts from now on since it has been so difficult for me to actually invest time in the extremely detailed descriptions I initially Continue Reading »
Posted on April 12, 2013 by The Director of Digital Media
New Alumni Blog Post! Stef Jadd Susnow (Year Program ’06-’07, PEP ’07-’09) and Matt Susnow (Year Program ’06-’07) Write about the “Yom Ha…” Season in Israel… it’s a truly special experience being in Israel for these national holidays. This week marked the beginning of one of the most poignant times on the Israeli national calender, Continue Reading »